Craft-to-Own (C2O) MetaMinez Game
MetaMinez is a strategy-driven Craft-to-Own (C20) game that utilizes a rewards-pool system and features an instance-based gameplay approach. Players deploy Goblin NFTs on the SES moon to mine valuable materials and craft unique assets that are interoperable with our second game title: Galaxia Blue.
Mine...Craft...Trade...Earn...Own -- It’s how you play the game.
As told in the annals of our Galaxia Blue saga, the MetaGoblins of Planet Glozark rely heavily on Terranzinite Crystals as a primary resource. Terranzinite powers almost all MetaGoblin technology and serves as their native currency. Unfortunately, the power source is not renewable, takes millions of years to form, and is increasingly scarce. After the war ravaged most of Galaxia Blue, the MetaGoblins traveled to the distant and mysterious SES Moon in hopes of excavating Terranzinite from its treacherous landscapes.
A Strategic, Rewards-Generating Gaming Experience
Via the Blaziverse dApp, Players deploy their NFT assets (MetaGoblins, Goblineers, and other items) into a Terranzinite Mine, or $MBLZ tokens, as they possibly can.
The Player will generate their Player Score depending on the type of NFT assets deployed into the Mine. Once all Players have loaded their assets into the Mine, their respective Player Score is tabulated. At the game's conclusion, Players will earn Rewards in the form of Terranzinite Crystals based on how high their Player Score vs. the collective pool of Mining Power.
The gameplay of MetaMinez is neither intensive nor complex by design. If a Player registers to enter a MetaMinez game by the cut-off/deadline, THEY'RE IN. Once the game instance is over, Players collect their rewards!
How to Play
Players enter a Mine by selecting a Miner (MetaGoblin NFT or Goblineer), committing/staking $MBLZ Tokens, supplying one SPES Petal ("Life"), and selecting any additional in-game consumables as needed or appropriate for the situation.
Once the Player has selected a miner, the Miner is deployed into the Mine. Your Player Score and the other Players' Player Score are calculated for this specific MetaMinez game instance.
After a fixed period, or Operation Duration, the game is finished, and Rewards are distributed in the form of Terranzinite Crystals. Each Player may claim their share of the Terranzinite Crystals found in the Mine!
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